How to remake the tablet from doors?

I’ve downloaded it and watched it now. ViewportFrames tend to have an issue with knowing when to update. In the Heartbeat loop, try setting the Visible property to false then back to true immediately after.

No, that didn’t fix anything…

Current script:

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")

	if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("VPPX-1689") then
		local tool = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("VPPX-1689")
		local generatedRooms = workspace:WaitForChild("GeneratedRooms")
		local startRoom = generatedRooms:WaitForChild("StartRoom")
		local frame = tool.Handle.Handle.SurfaceGui.ViewportFrame
		frame.Visible = false
		local camera = nil
		if not frame:FindFirstChild("Camera") then
			camera ="Camera", frame)
			camera = frame.Camera
		if not frame:FindFirstChild("StartRoom") then
			startRoom:Clone().Parent = frame
		frame.CurrentCamera = camera
		camera.CFrame = tool.Camera.CFrame
		frame.Visible = true

Can you add a print statement to see if the heartbeat loop is ran more than once per equip?

yes, it does run more than once…

I tried to make this myself and it seems like keeping SurfaceGui in PlayerGui makes it update every frame. I added some logic so the SurfaceGui is disabled if the tool isn’t out so it doesn’t float in front of you when it’s unequipped.

Oh, wow! This works perfectly! Thank you so much!

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