How to remove backdoors from your game

First what if its a old account
next what if they update a old model
next what if its obfuscated

  1. Those can be PGed and you can usually check their inventories. They most likely have 0 to no other models.
  2. If they update an old model, you will see the update if you insert it into your game. You can use this method every time you’re suspicious of a backdoor.
  3. If it’s obfuscated you can choose to trust the creator or not trust the creator.
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Quick tip: RobloxTopPlugins gave me a virus in my game :frowning:

Don’t trust this account


Yeah don’t trust ANY of the top free models like ever. I’ve cataloged like over 15 backdoors in my time. Some of them are more hidden than others. Most of them use obscurification but that can be solved most of the time by just saying require = print. Some of them even detect of you are in studio or not to stop you from doing this. Some of them are easier to crack than others but you can break through every backdoors encryption with a little bit of time.
One of the most deviant i’ve broken trough used every form of encryption know to man. I’m talking 3 different scripts with obscurification and a plugin which when opened had over and i quote 50k trusses inside of it almost causing my studio to crash. The only way i could actually see the code of the plugin was to save it as a roblox XML file and look at the code of that file in notepad++. But it was all worth i to see the panic of the buyers involved lol.
Many of them keep their code hidden because they sell these backdoors to people for around 5-20 dollars a piece depending of how many games they got infected. Once they buy it they will be added to a “whitelist” which is basically just a rank group which the backdoor will check for.
They normally do this via having a discord webhook which will automatically send the game to a discord server for easy access.
There’s only been a few that i haven’t been able to break through. If you got the skills the try your hands at this one which i haven’t broken through yet:


I tried running that script in vanilla lua and this is what I got:

hmm i dont know. maybe it’s broken

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Do I have to disable my plugin to remove it? cause I already did & its still saying **Unable to teleport to a restricted area or do i have to uninstall it.

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You need to uninstalled the backdoored plugin and then remove the infectious/malicious scripts.

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What do these backdoors do? They can’t really steal robux can they so whats to worry?

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They can ruin your game. Exploiters can come and make everyone buy fake gamepasses, ban everyone, or even change their stats to super high.


I personally search “script” in the explorer and check all of my scripts.
Gameguard Anti-Virus V2 is a good plugin for backdoor scanning


Game backdoors has really advanced, exploiters for some reasons is bigbrain enough to create something realistic as this. This topic was really helpful towards the DevForum Community. The first time I started developing, I didnt realise someone could make something advance like this. One of my first games got backdoored before. Thank you for warning us. Stay safe :+1:t2:.


Sure that’s a good idea but personally, my game has about 2,000 scripts and that can be very tiring to look through all those scripts. Try using the search feature to find specific keywords in the scripts.

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That’s why I also use that specific plugin.

Stay aware for these things, however not everything is a virus after all. People are oversensitive that everything is a virus, but you just need to check and have awareness! If the model is like “RobloxTopPlugins” or has a group named “Models” it’s most likely a serverside, but remember be aware.

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To find the backdoor easily, just click CTRL + Shift + F then type require, if this doesn’t work! try getfenv()


There are really many topics about this, I recommend using this plug-in here made by @deluc_t, does it with no hesitation and pretty fast.

Next time before you post something like this check on the forum if it has been answered before.


I don’t like the idea of “don’t use free models” at all. This is how many new Roblox developers start.


The plugin you sent me was made in June… My post was created in April…

Next time don’t criticize people for posting articles for people who don’t know about/can’t use those public resources. I recommend doing your research before making replies.

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Eh, you’re making no sense, there WERE other plug-ins before that one so do your research before doing replies.