How to remove these white lines in studio?

I’m not sure what I pressed. I’m not even sure what exactly each box represents. None of the parts are in models and not all of them are in unions in the shape of those boxes. Anyways, that’s not the problem, I just want to know how to get rid of them :slight_smile:


Check if it’s a plugin you activated


Yeah, I checked and toggled all the plugins I had, and uninstalled some of them but none of them seemed to change anything.

Maybe one of these’d help?

Did you recently change any studio settings?

There is a similar glitch I once had, when selecting a model, it would highlight every part under that model exactly the way it is for you. It was either fixed or it was a removed “feature”… not sure how to fix that issue though :stuck_out_tongue:

They could be the models’ PrimaryPart, unless there are no models.

[edit: woops, just read the whole post]

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If you read what OP said, none of the parts are inside a model, so this is impossible.

Edit: @YasuYoshida gotcha

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Uncheck ShowBoundingBoxes. It’s under Rendering in the settings menu in studio.



Also just curious, what exactly is a bounding box? And how does it decide what parts are supposed to be within the boundary rather than setting a completely separate boundary?

I have the feeling that, for a given part, the physics engine only checks for collisions with other parts inside regions that the part is inside of as an optimization. I might be wrong, though.

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This exists?? o.O
I had so much trouble over this and I always thought there is no setting to disable it.

Or …
Oh… I don’t think it’s that setting after all… rip

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Mind showing us what’s up with your studio?

I just thought the setting disabled Selection boxes, but now I remember it’s something different.
I spoke too soon.

This just makes everything outlined ( Even when not selected )

( Unless I am doing something wrong )

Sorry, it’s not that setting after all, that one just outlines all objects on the place without selecting anything.

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This is more of an internal debugging tool rather than a utility for Studio users. Those bounding boxes are specifically for graphics entities.