How to replicate low-fps animation style

Hey there, developers!

I’m trying to make a toy-esque game, and I’m attempting to create low FPS animations to give a toy feeling to the character. Unfortunately, this comes with some problems:

  1. How can I keep consistency in transitions?
  2. How can I keep low quality frames without negatively affecting the animation speed?

Here’s kind of the style I’m going for: TDS (skip to 0:17 for animation)

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I want this done as soon as possible!


I think i found the answer. Here is the step by step on how to do it

  1. You want to make your animation first without the choppiness.
    for example here is a walk animation i simply got from the toolbox:

  2. This is a bit tedious but you will have to go to every second of the frames, select it so the blue bar goes to the frame, and then right click on the slightly darker bar and then choose “Add Keyframe Here”, here is a video showing how to do it

    (The options bar isn’t showing up but it looks like this)

  3. After doing all that to the span of the animation you want to select all keyframes
    then right click, hover over to the “Animation Style” and click on “Constant”

  4. If it still looks smooth you can delete some frames and making spaces inbetweens, like this:
    which results in this

    You can make even larger frame space to look even choppier, here I delete 2 frames and leave 1 then repeat:

Hopefully this helps!


I’ll try this out. Thanks for helping out!

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Adding onto this, is there a way to replicate this same effect in blender?

Sadly I don’t know any methods for blender, hopefully another person can help you

I’m sure I can just replicate the steps you took here and just mirror that into blender. I’ll give it a shot, though.

Hey I love this soloution but quick question, do i right click directly on the line that the current keyframe is on or the one after

Hello! Apologies if this bothers you, but have you found a way to replicate it in Blender yet? I’ve been trying to find a way to make my animations more unique and fresh while also not meticulously picking apart each frame in the Animation Editor :sweat_smile:

Set animation style to none. I don’t use blender but should work

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I’ve gotten pretty close. I’ve just been doing a ton of keyframes and setting their style to ‘Constant’ to get sort of the same effect.