Hello, I was wondering how you run a script in nil I have tried a few ways and failed as every time I tried the script stopped one example of me trying is:
script.Parent = nil
If you know how to make a script run in nil please do comment how to below how to do it thanks.
If this is for an anti-exploit, then if someone told you that makes it unreachable they are misleading you. Exploiters can just use Dex, which automatically shows instances in nil as well. If a full programmatic approach is desired, exploiters can just use getnilinstances().
Oh it will be a server script I am trying to parent to nil, I am not sure if you heard about the game Void Script Builder but people parent their scripts to nil to make it impossible to get on the server, would you know how to parent it to nil and still make it run?
Why would you want it to be impossible though? It’s not like anyone can take the source, unless I am mistaken, since I don’t play those kinds of games.