How to save player stuff

I’ve been working on a game where a certain button does certain amount of damage.
I am also planning to add levels.

This is not the problem, though.

My problem is trying to figure out on how to save the IntValue numbers Inside of StarterCharacter.
I need a way to be able to save this progress when the player leaves. For example:
If the player had 150 SpecialDamage and 1500 SpecialCritDamage, (Default 100, 1000),

When they leave, the numbers will save for when they join the game again. Kinda like how some games have money saving.

Any help is appreciated!

Datastores are used to save data. You should use Datastore2 to save data, which is a wrapper for the original DatastoreService by Roblox.

I tried this. It just didn’t work.

Okay, then can we see how your saving data?

im just gonna use robloxs’ normal datasaving service

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