How to save unsupported values in datastore easily

Okay but where do I put it? Sorry if it may sound obvious but datastores are usually hard for me lol

In a serverscript. Serverscriptservice

Ofcourse, just read the extra step to find out how to save enums.

No, I mean where do I put the BackgroundColor3 inside the script?

Infront of .Frame

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Yeah but that was for materials. How would I do it for keycodes?

You could just do the same but enum.KeyCode.

So when instead of doing


I do


Yes, just put the argument in Enum.KeyCode. and it should successfully save

So like


Sorry for the trouble.

Yes, and to load read further.

Alright. Thanks! Sorry for the trouble.

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Would I be able to use a variable for this?

Like for example

local keycode = Enum.KeyCode.V


Sorry to keep bugging you.

yeah, obviously, there’s no trouble dw

Ok thanks!

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I really really hate to bug you again. But I’m having some issues. I keep getting this error:

EnumItem is not a valid member of “Enum.KeyCode”

This is the code that’s throwing this error:

keycode = Enum.KeyCode[game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("material"):GetAsync("ilikeplastic")]

I tested what typeof(Enum.KeyCode.V) prints and it just prints “EnumItem”

So so so sorry to bug you again :disappointed:

Try to string instead? I’ll change tutorial if that’s the issue

Tostring the enum keycode

For some reason tostring() didn’t work either. What I had to do was this:

game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("material"):SetAsync("ilikeplastic", "V")

keycode = Enum.KeyCode[game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("material"):GetAsync("ilikeplastic") or "V"]

And what I’m doing is putting them in PlayerAdded and PlayerRemoving events but when I change the Keycode Variable and the leave the game to save it, it throws an error. Here is my code:

local keycode = "V"

local DB = false

	game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("material"):SetAsync("ilikeplastic", keycode)

	if DB == false then
		DB = true
		keycode = "C"

	keycode = Enum.KeyCode[game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("material"):GetAsync("ilikeplastic") or "V"]

Error: 104: Cannot store token in data store. Data stores can only accept valid UTF-8 characters.

But aren’t strings UTF-8 values?

Sorry :disappointed:

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I’ll just write a working keycode system later. I’m busy

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I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. But thanks. :disappointed: