Here’s the whole model with scripts and all. Keep in mind only one of the sides as a script enabled (disabled the other three)
leaderboard.rbxm (15.3 KB)
I didn’t expected that but It will be easier
When you want to get the error message but also want the Script to resume
local success, errorMessage = pcall(ChangeDataStoreUsed)
if not success then
That’s exactly what’s at line 278 to 281? But to my surprise it does neither of them in my actual game…
I think I will need the entire game or Scripts that would communicate with (if there is)
That’s sadly not possible, but I’ve tested by disabling all other scripts with no effect.
So it doesn’t require others Scripts?
Not at all. It requires a database but it’s already created and saved. I also use the same scripts in my test place and my actual game.
In the line 125 of the “Leaderboard Billboard Script” there is :
Leaderboard[item] = {value["key"], value["value"]}
I wonder if it should be that instead :
Leaderboard[item] = {key["key"], value["value"]}
That just causes an error.
It doesn’t make errors for me but I can’t really test it since I use the Baseplate world
That was with the exact model in a regular baseplate though. I beleive it would be easier to just rescript the whole leaderboard, would you help me with that?
Yes and I thought same before you said that! LOL
Alright, you got Discord? I believe it’s easier to communicate there.
Add me, Tor#1329. Reply with your username so I know who to add (got 49 pending)
I’m nammed Léolol DB… so it will be a little bit obvious
Is the Global leaderboard a free model? Some leaderboards only work with some type of a object, if it is the team create helper that made it, tell him or you to recheck the scripts.
As mentioned, you can change the w value. This is were the data is sourced from. It does not require playerPoints.
local w = plr.leaderstats.Cash.Value
Pulls player’s leaderstat cash value. plr is the player object.
More explanation: How to change where value is sourced from.
For a leaderboard like that you are going to need 3 different items:
- Rank
- Username
- Points
Now we are going to break this down 1 by 1 on how we get each item
But first what you need to do is setup a basic DataStore to save the player’s points
Personally how I would do it is like this:
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local PointsStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PointsStore")
Now that we have a basic DataStore setup we can begin to use it, now for saving a player’s data, I like to load their data whenever they join the game and then save it whenever they leave, which is nice for saving bandwith. Here is an example of the code I would use.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Points = PointsStore:GetAsync(Player.UserId)
--Then you could set the in game value to the saved value, such as a number value
local Points = --This will equal the player's current points
local Success, Err = pcall(function()
PointsStore:SetAsync(Player.UserId, Points)
Now that we have a basic storage system setup to save the player’s points we can now look into converting it into a leaderboard.
For the leaderboard we are going to be using Roblox’s built in leaderboard tool called OrderedDataStores
You can have another script setup here that handles the leaderboard
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local PageSize = 10 --This is how many player's data will be on every page
local UpdateDelay = 60 --This is how often the leaderboard will update, minimum is 60 seconds
while true do
local SortedStore = PointsStore:GetSortedAsync(false, PageSize)
local Page = SortedStore:GetCurrentPage()
for i,v in pairs(Page) do
local Username = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(v.key)
local UserId = v.key
local Place = I
local Value = v.value
--With this information you can now construct your Gui