How to slowly transparent all part in model

Can you elaborate on that? I’m not sure I understand what you mean.

In his code, the OP stated that it would pause and individually animate each part since he didn’t run the animation in a separate thread using spawn

I stated that I’m not sure if TweenService would have a delay between each individual animation and if it did he could wrap it in spawn.

Tween service does not wait for it to finish if you remove the wait() from the script all of the parts will fade at the same time you have to make the script wait for the tween to finish otherwise it does everything simultaneously.

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The most efficient way to do so without any performance issues is the following algorithm (simply change the order of your loops):

for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
    for _,v in pairs(trans) do
		v.Transparency = i

Spawning a new thread for every part as suggested by @Radiakk isn’t a good idea, because it’s a costly process.


Considering CollectionService would also work.