I’ve been working on a script that moves a part from point A to B while avoiding a middle area
The problem is that the change from the normal CFrame to the avoidance CFrame looks too choppy and I would like it to gradually switch CFrames.
local Colors = script.Parent.Map:WaitForChild('Colors')
local blackHole = Colors:WaitForChild('Red')
local whiteHole = Colors:WaitForChild('Blue')
local ball = workspace:WaitForChild("CFrameBall")
local center = script.Parent.Map.GoodGrave.Position -- Use the position of the black hole as the center of the path
local radiusX = 10 -- Adjust the X radius as needed
local radiusZ = 65 -- Adjust the Z radius as needed
local speed = 0.06 -- Adjust the speed as needed
local furthestX = center.X
local furthestZ = center.Z
-- Function to move the ball in an eyeball-shaped path around the center
local function moveInEyeballPath(ball, center, radiusX, radiusZ, speed)
local angle = 0
while true do
local x = center.X + radiusX * math.cos(angle)
local z = center.Z + radiusZ * math.sin(angle)
-- Calculate the elliptical avoidance area
local ellipseRadiusX = 25 -- Adjust the X radius of the ellipse
local ellipseRadiusZ = 35 -- Adjust the Z radius of the ellipse
local distanceToCenter = math.sqrt(((x - center.X) / ellipseRadiusX)^2 + ((z - center.Z) / ellipseRadiusZ)^2)
if distanceToCenter < 1 then
-- Use a threshold value (1 for a smooth transition)
-- Adjust position to avoid the ellipse
local avoidanceAngle = math.atan2((z - center.Z) / ellipseRadiusZ, (x - center.X) / ellipseRadiusX)
x = center.X + ellipseRadiusX * math.cos(avoidanceAngle)
z = center.Z + ellipseRadiusZ * math.sin(avoidanceAngle)
-- Update furthest point reached
if x > furthestX or z > furthestZ then
furthestX = x
furthestZ = z
-- Update ball position only if it's at the furthest point reached
ball.Position = Vector3.new(furthestX, center.Y, furthestZ)
angle = angle + speed
if angle >= math.pi * 2 then
angle = angle - math.pi * 2
-- Start moving the ball in an eyeball-shaped path
moveInEyeballPath(ball, center, radiusX, radiusZ, speed)
Thank you