How to stop players/parts from ever tilting on a certain axis?

My game uses a custom movement system using BodyVelocity and BodyGyro. I’m trying to give characters a better collision system using a part with collision on so that they can’t walk through terrain or objects. However giving a player a part with collision causes them to tilt or spin sporadically when they collide with things. I want players to not spin or tilt when they collide with something, just to be unable to move through it. Every solution I look at just mentions using BodyGyro, but I’m confused because they already have BodyGyro.

This is the code I use to apply force and turn the character the way I want them to face, which is used every frame, using BodyGyro and BodyVelocity parented to the HumanoidRootPart:

function Movement.rotate(condition)
	-- Rotation true
	if condition == true then
		-- TargetAngle represents the direction the character wants to be facing
		CharGyro.MaxTorque =, rotationSpeed, 0) 
		CharGyro.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(Movement.TargetAngle)
		-- This causes the character to slowly turn to face that direction
	-- Cease rotation
		CharGyro.CFrame = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
-- Move the character forward in the direction they are facing
function Movement.applyForwardVelocity(condition)
	if condition == true then
			-- Get values to be applied
			local rotation = HumanoidRootPart.Orientation.Y
			local speed = currentSpeed
			local Xdirection = math.sin(0.0174532925*rotation)*(speed * -1)
			local Zdirection = math.cos(0.0174532925*rotation)*(speed * -1)
			local newVelocity =, CharVelocity.Velocity.Y, Zdirection)
			HumanoidRootPart.BodyVelocity.Velocity = newVelocity
		-- Cease velocity
		HumanoidRootPart.BodyVelocity.Velocity =, CharVelocity.Velocity.Y, 0)

However, when I enable collision on the character’s HumanoidRootPart this is what happens
robloxapp-20220216-1826420.wmv (1.8 MB)

How do I stop the character from spinning uncontrollably when they collide with something?


I found out that I can disable Falldown to stop the player from spinning uncontrollably…

But they still tilt when they collide with things. I don’t want players to ever be able to tilt vertically. They should only ever be able to rotate left and right.

AlignOrientation set to Parallel