How to store data externally so that a different group game can access this data at any time?


Hello, I am creating an event in which players can purchase access to the event in a “Booking” game. Once the player purchases the access to the event, their data (including their user id, username and booking type) is posted to an external source. At the time of the event, I want the official game to be able to read this data and determine if a player who has joined is in the whitelist.

Normally, I would be able to do this… but it gets a little more complicated. The security staff will have access to a registry database UI which will display all the users in this database who have access (as well as their ticket type) and can then manually deny them or approve them from the event.

I am having trouble finding a solution. Are there any recommended databases I could use, and if so how would I go about coding something like this? I have attempted it but very much failed.

If I need to explain anything further, please let me know and I will do my best! :slight_smile:

Many thanks,

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You could give the player a badge, and just check if they have that badge.


this might be a bit complex or expensive for you, but this is the only way that I’ve seen that doesn’t require badges.


I had thought of this, but I would like to be able to have a way of seeing a list of all players who are going to be attending to event so it wouldn’t quite work the same. Thanks anyways tho :slight_smile:

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