How to teleport a player to a new server of the game?

I want to teleport players to a new server of the game. Basically, make them auto-rejoin into a new server when they press a button. I know you need to use TeleportService, I’ve tried it but it either doesn’t work or fails to teleport the player.

Teleport service is the way to go, what issues are you having with it?

Well, I don’t really know much about TeleportService but I’ve tried this script and it doesn’t work.

local pause = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local BTHC = script.Parent
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local gui = script.Parent.Parent.ScreenGui
local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local placeID = 14408176553

	TS:TeleportAsync(placeID, player)

Check out these posts, they seem relevant to your issue and might help.

I don’t want to teleport the player to another server/game. I want to teleport the player on a new server of the same game.

Some one is free to correct me if they know I’m wrong, but…

Control of servers are out of our reach as game developers. We make the games, Roblox provides us the servers for our game to use. Roblox has optimized the way servers handle new players joining to the point where we should have no need to customize their algorithms.

However, I think the reserve server option would be closest to what you imply of needing, but these servers are not able to be joined by people joining from the game’s homepage, since this server acts like a private server. This method is used commonly by those story playthrough type of games.

I’ve found the solution, instean of doing :TeleportAsync, I did :Teleport. Thanks to everyone that replied.

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