And there is a property of a ScreenGui that allows it to take up the entire screen ( and you could make the frame invisible )
Then make it a bit smaller then the screen, the player probably won’t even notice, and if they do its such a small difference it doesn’t matter.
Sorry, that wouldn’t address the issue of fast movement from in-screen areas to off-screen areas.
You could always check mouse position compared to viewport size?
Nope, mouse position doesn’t go past screen bounds.
Sorry I have misread the question
Check if their mouse is at the extents of their viewport size, and if it is the mouse has left the screen if it is minimized but not clicked off, and to detect that it is clicked off just use a focus lost event.
That’s the reason we have been here for ages, focus lost needs the person to click (according to @blowup999 ) and i recommended the same viewport and mouse position, although the mouse will never leave the viewport since when it leaves it just freezes inside until you go back and move the mouse inside the game
I’m saying FocusLost doesn’t trigger if the mouse leaves the window, not that you need to click, but yes, the rest is right.
WindowFocusReleased does require a click though
You didn’t understand what I said you have to check if their mouse is at the extents of their viewport size, and if it is then that means that the mouse is outside the screen, and before you check this you check if the focus is already lost so it doesn’t effect that.
You can’t do that because it doesn’t go to the extents of the viewport if they move it fast.
Yes it does? You could just connect it to a Stepped event
The mouse cant go past the bounds, that’s how roblox made it, if you try to leave it will stop at the edge
The position will never get past that
Exactly, thats why your checking it
I’ve tested it multiple times - print mouse position in a stepped event, and once it leaves the window the mouse position stops changing - it will never reach the windows viewport extents
The mouse position will never go past the viewport size so this isnt going to work
Ok alright then
characters sss
To be honest I don’t really know if this is possible unless you do some weird way.
Is your system dependent on mouse position, or mouse delta?