How to turn image data into a usable image in Studio

I got some image data lookin like this

its recieved by a variable and im wondering how i can turn the png data into a usable image.
When I print it, theres just bunch of weird characters

I have tried to apply it on a imagelabel but it dosent work, and if I try any other object it says “TexturePack can only recieve rbx assets” something like that

I know it can break the TOS, and I have seen others using Javascript and other applications to proceed this

What are you trying to put in the Image ? Is this a decal roblox ?

i dont wanna reveal the project too much but im reciveving image data from the http service and i need to turn it into a usable image

Unfortunately that is not possible since when you take image data from http service you just get a bunch of question marks symbol. If you would like to do this you would have to write your own image decoder and take a bunch of RGB data and decode it in studio then render it. However this will always take time to render and this is a very difficult task.

I found this and imma look more into it Image Rendering using HttpService

If i would make a guess, this would be against TOS.
You’d simply need to learn PNG decoders and make one of your own, which is not an easy task. This would also defeat the point of decal moderatiin Roblox has put into place, so its not a good idea.

I want to use it in the game, not the studio
Im very new to this and I have no idea what im doing

If you look at the RBXScriptConnection documentation here, you’ll see that the Connection object has a Callback property:

The callback that is called when the connection receives new data.

What this means, is that you can pass a function to the Callback property, and then, every time the connection receives data, it will call that function with the data as a parameter. Here's a little example: local connection = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("ImageConnection")

local function onData(data)

connection.Callback = onData