How to turn roblox img link to real link?

Hello, is there a way to turn “roblox img” to “normal url img” ?

i tried to make it get it like this

local img = game:GetService("Players"):GetUserThumbnailAsync(plr.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size100x100)

but it didn’t work

i want to send it to discord so i need a link like this.

Thumbnail API is your friend:

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Thx. i will try it After I wake up

It would help to know what is. If it’s a link shortener or a service to upload images, you probably can’t do this.

You’re asleep while typing this?

i don’t think it’s possible… when you put an image URL, it won’t appear as a decal

it’s a random site

i didnt mean from this site i just wanted it to be a normal link that will be acceptable to discord or any other site

yea im sleeping rn… how did you know 0.0

i want to use the image to any other site/app
(not in roblox)

نفس الحال بس قولت اجرب اسأل ممكن حد يكون عارف

oh, then you can do this in markdown



<a href=""><img src="" alt="Download File"></a>



roblox أنا آسف, أعتقد أنك تقصد في

مش فاهم تقصد ايه…ممكن توضح اكتر؟

hi,sorry for the late respond.
do you know how to use it from roblox ?