How to tween a player rig smoothly

Hello everyone, so working on my game, I’ve come across another issue:

How do I tween a player rig without it glitching out?

The tween was written correctly, with no errors in the script, but moving the player up is causing the player in the workspace to glitch out weirdly. I’ve tweened the CFrame of the player too, and I don’t think :MoveTo() is going to help me either since it only teleports the player directly.
The only parameter I want from a solution is a player rig being tweened to “Float” up without glitching out. Here’s the copy of my script:

local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local TweenInformation =,Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0.1)
local TweenInformation2 =,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0)
local Goal = {CFrame = script.Parent.Parent.GoalPart.CFrame}
local Goal2 = {CFrame = script.Parent.Parent.GoalPart2.CFrame}


function Float(part)
	local VIPBoi = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if VIPBoi then
		local Bro = VIPBoi.Parent.PrimaryPart
		local FloatAnimation = TS:Create(Bro,TweenInformation,Goal)
			if playbackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Completed then
				local Glide = TS:Create(Bro,TweenInformation2,Goal2)


This is a server script too, in the workspace.

So the script seems fine for me, the issue is the Touched event because if you don’t put a denounce it will start the tween until the player stops touching the part

Make sure you’ve anchored the character, not doing so will cause a weird glitching motion to occur (since its trying to drag the character down via velocity/gravity stuff).

Also also, debounce it to make sure it only fires once and not multiple times.

A yes thats right, anchoring the player would help :man_facepalming:
Thank you guys for recommending a debounce too