It does save in-game but sometimes it rejects, which results in non-saving data
Datastore2 seems not maintained anymore, i’m currently too busy to switch to ProfileService
Does anyone know a fix for this error? (DataStore2 > SavingMethods > OrderedBackups)
Edited the Standard saving method to retry whenever 403 (Forbidden) occurs
self.dataStore:UpdateAsync(self.userId, function()
return value
Updated Code
Make sure to use the latest Promise release if you use this edit
-- Standard saving of data stores
-- The key you provide to DataStore2 is the name of the store with GetDataStore
-- GetAsync/UpdateAsync are then called based on the user ID
local DataStoreServiceRetriever = require(script.Parent.Parent.DataStoreServiceRetriever)
local Promise = require(script.Parent.Parent.Promise)
local Standard = {}
Standard.__index = Standard
function Standard:Get()
return Promise.async(function(resolve)
local function updateAsyncRequest(self, value)
return, reject)
local success, result = pcall(function()
self.dataStore:UpdateAsync(self.userId, function()
return value
if (success) then return resolve(result) end
function Standard:Set(value)
return Promise.retryWithDelay(updateAsyncRequest, 5, 1, self, value)
return setmetatable({
dataStore = DataStoreServiceRetriever.Get():GetDataStore(dataStore2.Name),
userId = dataStore2.UserId,
}, Standard)
return Standard
i have but i dont use it because i dont understand it even after watching tutorials plus i’d rather make it myself so if i want to add anything i can know where to start
I wouldn’t recommend it. Just use the DataStore from Roblox. What I do is I create a module script where, if a player joins, their data will be stored in a table. If they don’t have existing data, new data will be created. I store everything in this table, and when the player leaves, it gets saved.
Thank you so much for creating this, I’m gonna use it for my little game named normal day.
I hope there won’t be any data losess like they happened (4 times they happened and they were pretty big)
if anyone interested what the data losses was so here u go: first and second data loss was the serial keys they were lost 2 times (idk why to this day) the third data loss was the players money and the fourth data loss was companies budget (basically 170k money reset thats alot tho i backed it up to somewhat around this value)
These two already explain by DataStore2 should not really be used anymore. You should either use the default Roblox Datastores with their new API and all that stuff or you can use ProfileService which I have given a link to a great video explaining how to use it above.
Edit: Roblox Datastores do provide versioning! (ProfileService does too)
is there a Community Ressource for DataStore 2 on Discord or on any other Social Media? If so can you send me the link so I can discuss with someone because I have a lot of question for that
I’m not entirely sure if I wrote this correctly: but I’m having the same warning every time I run the game.
I’m trying to save a table of keybinds that each Player can change, so that it will stay the same the next time they join.
Here is the code:
-- VARS ||
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Datastore2 = require(script.Parent.DataStore2)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Data_Sync = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.DataSync
-- ||
local defaultkeybinds = {
Interact = Enum.KeyCode.E,
Console_Interact = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX,
SecondaryInteract = Enum.KeyCode.F,
Console_SecondaryInteract = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY,
CloseMenu = Enum.KeyCode.X,
Console_CloseMenu = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB
local keybindDataStore = Datastore2("KEYBINDS", PLAYER)
local keybinds = keybindDataStore:Get(defaultkeybinds)
Data_Sync:FireClient(PLAYER, keybinds)
Data_Sync.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(PLAYER, TABLE)
local keybindDataStore = Datastore2("KEYBINDS", PLAYER)
keybindDataStore:Combine("DATA", "KEYBINDS")
I’m specifically having trouble on the last function, it keeps throwing a: error when player left! Invalid at input.Interact because: Invalid type (EnumItem) error whenever I leave the game.
Anyone know the issue and can help me troubleshoot?
I have a question, when I use Get() do I have to pass through the default value every time, I currently use Get() with the defaultValue when the player joins
Is there a way to tell when the data is set with the :Set() function? My code has some errors because it continues to run before the new data has been set. For now I just use task.wait(1), but is there a better way to do this? My original post.
I’m experiencing a frustrating issue where OnUpdate is not returning the newest updated value.
local playerDataTable = {
playerSwords = thisPlayersDataStores.swordCollectionDataStore,
if playerDataTable.playerSwords:Get() == nil then
playerDataTable.playerSwords:Set({}) -> prints {}
playerDataTable.playerSwords:Get()[dreamSwordName] = true -> (does not print anything)
print(playerDataTable.playerSwords:Get()) -> Prints {["Basic Sword"] = true}
I converted the dictionary to an array, however I’m still experiencing the same exact behavior.
01:59:59.128 RESET - Server - PlayerItemFunctions:51
01:59:59.128 DATASTORE playerSwords SET TO {} - Server - Script:174
01:59:59.128 RESET - Server - PlayerItemFunctions:51
01:59:59.129 DATASTORE playerShields SET TO {} - Server - Script:174
01:59:59.694 playerShields the real value is ▼ {
[1] = "Shield"
} - Server - Script:178
01:59:59.694 playerSwords the real value is ▼ {
[1] = "Basic Sword"
} - Server - Script:178
Update: I completely overlooked this issue for 2 hours the reason was because I was not using datastore:Set(). While the method I was using was correct as it was a metatable, the callback was not being fired.