How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention

try using this code to save:

local DataGold = DataStore2("Gold", player)

I advise you to change the value of direct storage in datastore2 data: Increment (1.0) “1” is the value you want to add (if you want you can subtract “-1”) and “0” is the value initial.

if you feel better, try it this way: (not tested if it works)

DataStore2("Gold", player):Set(player.Stats.Gold.Value)

Got it to work! The first method did nothing, but the second one where you use :Set directly after worked perfectly! Thank you!

I’m happy to have helped. :smile:

It probably means you’re saving information way too big. I would need to see what you’re saving.

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Would need to see the code you are using–this does not happen to me.

I’m saving all items a player owns in a table. Every time he buys something a RemoteFunction is fired that checks whether the player has enough coins and if so inserts the item into the table:

local function CheckSale(Player,Item,Category)
	local Price = ShopItems[Category][Item].Price.Value
	local CoinsData = DataStore2("Coins",Player)
	local PlayerItemsData = DataStore2("PlayerItems",Player)
	local PlayerItems = PlayerItemsData:Get()
	if CoinsData:Get() >= Price and not PlayerItems[Item] then
		CoinsData:Increment(-Price) -- subtract price
		table.insert(PlayerItems,Item) -- add item to table
		PlayerItemsData:Set(PlayerItems) -- save new table
		return true -- purchase successful
		return false -- purchase failed

CheckSaleRemote.OnServerInvoke = CheckSale

My shortened leaderstats script:

local PlayerItemsData = DataStore2("PlayerItems",Player)

local function UpdatePlayerItems(UpdatedValue)
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I am using this in my simulator works just fine and never had problem with it.

Thank you for this nice work @Kampfkarren when i start my game i will mention you in the description <3

I’m starting to use DataStore2, and because everything of here is new for me, how do i save a dictionary? Of course i have searched for threads in this forum, but they were not helpful, thanks for reading.

As answered several times in the thread, saving tables is not different from saving anything else.

Could you link me those posts, please?

There isn’t a need to–they don’t contain any information other than “you can save tables”. Literally just call :Set and :Save like you would any other value. Tables are not different than any other data in terms of saving.

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to save a table you can simply do this:

local defaultTable = {["Points"] = 0}

local mytable = myTableDatastore:GetTable(defaultTable)   --get the table
mytable["Points"] = mytable["Points"] + 1 --edit the table
myTableDatastore:Set(mytable) --set the table (same way as saving an Intvalue)

Hi, for some reason my data doesnt save when the game is shutting down.

I tried doing both:
DataStore(ds.key, player):Save()

–SavedFile is a dictionary
DataStore(ds.key, player):Set(SavedFile)

but no luck.

Can you please help me?

Use the latest version on the releases and it should work.

I have a question regarding DataStore:OnUpdate. If I register a callback, it’s called every time the cache is updated. Suppose I make two updates in the cache in quick succession (e.g. I have a table in cache and its values are updated by different scripts. At some point two keys are updated almost at the same time in different scripts). In this scenario, OnUpdate has the guarantee that the first update will finish before the second one starts?

Lua is not multithreaded. It’s impossible for two updates to be called at the same time. Whichever goes first callls OnUpdate.


That’s true. I was confused for a moment because each script runs in its own thread and I wondered if the thread scheduler could switch threads in the middle of the execution of one of the scripts. That’s not the case as explained here (Promises and Why You Should Use Them). Since each update runs until completion or until it yields there is no worries that onUpdate will run over the other.
Thank you for your answer.


My game is having problems with saving for mobile users? Could there be any problem with datastore2?

DataStore2 is server sided, and so wouldn’t care about what platform a player is on. I do not have these issues.

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Is there any way we can message you privately for advice?