How to use Roblox LSP

What’s a .lua file, how can I create one?

.lua file is a… well a lua file? a script? like .txt, .exe, etc…

filename.server.lua is a server file
filename.client.lua is a local file
filename.lua is a module script
init.fileType.lua is a parent script

btw, can someone help me please

so I installed Roblox LSP and Rojo extensions to integrate vs-code with Roblox Studio, however, it’s not working that great

all that I can do is edit the ServerScriptService folders and Player/StarterCharacterScript and no more, I can’t edit GUIs, workspace scripts, etc…
Also, the IntelliSense isn’t working when I’m trying to access models I created ( like game.Workspace.<No IntelliSense here>.myPart.<Again no intellesense> )

I was a Unity developer before and how it worked was I double click the script and it opens automatically in vs-code (or VS) and in the explorer panel there I can see all folders (called services in Roblox) and see scripts inside it, but can’t see non-script stuff, and the intelligence there was working completely fine.
How can I achieve so in Roblox Studio?

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I’ve been learning Unity, too! And I’m thinking the same as you, too! I really want that I can script in Roblox just like in Unity, very easy to do. One thing that is kinda annoying when scripting in Rojo is I have to edit the default.json file, which takes a lot of time. I wish that I can double click the script and it’ll open vscode for me.

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