How to use TweenService on a model

I’m making a tower defense game, and the placement system isn’t that smooth, so I wanted to implement TweenService to fix that.

The towers are models, and have player rigs. When I try to tween the models, only the PrimaryPart (The head) moves. This is the script I am using:

local tween = tweenservice:Create(tower.PrimaryPart,  tweenInfo, {CFrame = * CFrame.fromEulerAngles(0,0,0)})

Using the PrimaryPart only moves the PrimaryPart. I’ve tried anchoring the whole model, but this didn’t work.

Any help is appreciated. Many Thanks.

Here, I think this will help:

Good luck with your game!

You cannot directly use TweenService on a model, but what you can do is tween the primary part.

I know you said that it will only move the primary part but to fix this all you need to do is weld everything together. You can do this by using this very user-friendly plugin called “RigEdit Lite.”

wait my bad, wrong link, this one should be the right one:

If I do that, it would affect the tower after it’s placed aswell, and I’m afraid that it might not be able to move/be animated afterwards. Everything in the rig is connected by Motor6D’s aswell, but I’m not sure if that would work the same.

If you are afraid of animations / movement, then you can use Motor6Ds and I think it will serve the same purpose.

You can’t tween models.
What you can do is set a PrimaryPart for the model, weld all the other parts of the model to that part, and tween the PrimaryPart.