How to vanish players from your game?

Dosent the exploiter have the same power as localscripts? (Just a little higher)

I think I’ll just have to explain how this whole vanishing system works:

  • There are 3 players in the server, Player A, Player B and Player C.

  • Player A is whitelisted/authorized, and runs the /vanish command on themselves.

  • Through the remote event, the server sends a signal to Player B and Player C telling them that Player A should be vanished.

  • On the clients of Player B and Player C, from each of their localscripts handling the effect of vanishing, a function hooked to the remote event executes and calls :Destroy() on Player A. This results in Player A appearing to be gone from the perspectives of Player B & C’s clients. (Though Player A still exists on the server.)


I recommend using :GetPivot/:PivotTo instead, it’s newer and much better.

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SetPrimaryPartCFrame is even better, taking the fact that it dosent spawn you above a roof if there’s a roof

No, :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() is worse than :PivotTo().

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