How to weld two rigid bodies without one interfering with the other's physics?

It is not a problem with collisions, and I actually want the carried player’s limbs to collide with the carrying player.

It could be a problem with Weld/Motor6D’s

Not sure why, but that was the funniest video I have seen all week :smiley:

What you could do is just loop through the character and set all parts to massless = true


local makeCharacterMassless = function(character)
   for _, part in pairs(character) do
      if part.ClassName == 'Part' or 'MeshPart' or 'Union' then
         part.Massless = true

I haven’t tested this script, although it should work. It’s just a concept. Please let me know if this helps!

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Ah, I see. Are you looking through the character and setting every part to mass less or just one? And for these things I recommend using RopeConstraints.

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Massless property doesn’t actually set the mass of the BasePart to 0, it sets it to a very low number, so not only I set the Massless to true for all the parts, I also changed their density to as low as it gets (0.01). But that still doesn’t work, I even tried to make the carrying player as dense as possible, but the physics just say no.

Using v:IsA(“ClassName”) is better then checking the property.
Also, u can just use the class BasePart. It’s a super class which includes parts, meshes and unions.

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I will look into RopeConstraint and see if gets the job done better than my current WeldConstraint

Yes, I was able to create something that the player can drag around using that. I created an attachment in the part that gets touched to the draggable part then I set the attachment 0 to the attachment created as said above, and attachment 1 to the pre made one I did. It’s pretty simple and efficient

RopeConstraints would unfortuantely not get the job done, as they allow free movement of the player getting carried, I want the latter’s location to stay fix relative to the carrier, thus using WeldConstraint.

Ah, I’ll give this a look tomorrow as it’s 2 am now.

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Problem is caused by humanoids exerting the force to stand upright similar to these other problem:

Enable platform stand or seated to solve it.


The carried player’s state is already set to Physics, and that prevents to player to do anything with their character, so it is most definetly not the humanoid trying to stand up.

Are you sure about that?

It didn’t work for Mark which is why enabling platform stand to disable physics is the more reliable option.

Never had much luck with state types.

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I am 100% sure about that, my ragdoll wouldn’t work if the humanoid state isn’t Physics

I’m guessing it’s just another humanoid bug like this one especially with welding or it’s the reaction force from the limbs flailing about.

Perhaps you can mimic welds by using constraints with the AlignPosition | Roblox Creator Documentation property instead to avoid humanoid weld bug related problems and the transfer of force between two bodies.


I tried the AlignPostion and AlignOrientation and it worked like a charm, it didn’t interfere with the player carrying whatsoever, the only slight catch is that I had to set the network ownership of the player getting carried to player carrying them for the replication to look clean. Other than that it was very nice, here is a clip:

Thank you and everyone else for your help.


Hey! Sorry for the bump, but how did you make the HRP face down using the OrientationAlignment?

I am sorry for the late reply, I don’t know how I didnt get notified for this.

The way the hrp is facing downwards is simple, the Attachment1 on the AlignOrientation constraint is oriented downwards, for me that’s, 0, 180)


Sorry for the bump. I’ve been struggling with this same issue for days. How do you set the network ownership of the character to the player? Whenever I do that it simply resets itself back. Is the carried player in any sort of humanoid states or anything?


hi can you show me how did you setup?