I don’t understand what you mean, can you explain it again?
Is this only for one time setting? since mine is constantly changing so I don’t think this will work? still thanks.
Try doing :GetPropertyChangedSignal(“Text”)
local MaximumLength = 20 --max letters for the textbox
local TextBox = TextBox --mention the textbox's text
local TextLength = TextBox.TextContent:len() --this will define the number of letters
local NewText = TextBox.TextContent:sub(MaximumLength, TextLength) --the letters above the max len
if TextLength > MaximumLength then
local Clone = Instance.new("TextLabel", TextBox)
Clone.Text = NewText
Clone.Size = TextBox.Size
Clone.BackgroundTransparency = 1
Clone.TextSize = TextBox.TextSize
Clone.TextColor = TextBox.TextColor
Clone.Font = TextBox.Font
local NewPos = TextBox.Position
local YScaleNewPos = 0.7 --set to padding you want for the textbox and Clone(I recommend keep it 0.7)
Clone.Position = UDim2.new(NewPos.X.Scale, NewPos.Y.Scale + YScaleNewPos, NewPos.Z.Scale)
Some slight adjustments have been made, including adding the changed signal
it doesn’t work, still thanks!
Is there an error???
no, but it doesn’t put it in a new line, it just continues
Alright we’ll in like half an hour I’ll be able to get on my laptop and try and make this for you!
okay, thank you!
this is a thread I opened before,
maybe it can help you understand what I mean
there’s also a sample script there, but it’s bugged and not really smooth. I’d be really glad if you can help me fix it.
Also, my bad it’s supposed to be ContentText not TextContent, try that
still doesn’t work
Alright well I haven’t completely finished it but heres a working prototype, I can’t quite fix the issues yet, but I will be able too try and fix them in a few minutes, in the meantime if you want to try here you go
LocalScript inside the TextBox:
local maxLength = 20 -- Max Letters Per Line
local scriptChanged = false
local text = script.Parent.ContentText
if text:len() > maxLength and not scriptChanged then
local firstLine = text:sub(1, maxLength)
local nextLine = text:sub(maxLength, -1)
scriptChanged = true
script.Parent.Text = string.format(firstLine.."\n"..nextLine, "%q")
scriptChanged = false
is there anyway to do it with the TextFits
property? so it adds a new line everytime it reaches the end of the textbox and not with a max length
TextFits would probably work for the first beeline but every line after that it probably wouldn’t work for
Click to view my original purposed workaround. (This workaround is very buggy and only works with typing at the end of textboxes.)
Here's a slightly revised version of what I created in your other topic. Just like the other one, it doesn't work with fast typing text or editing anything in the middle of the text. It only really works if the user types at the end.The problem is you can’t measure text. You can’t determine the size of the text because different characters are different pixel sizes. If it was possible to measure text pixels, it would be easy to come up with a workaround but I’m stumped.
This is the best I could come up with. I don’t think I can be of any help past this point. If someone could improve/adapt this, that would be really cool.
local function UpdateSize(FrameInstance,LayoutInstance)
if FrameInstance and LayoutInstance then
local PaddingX = 0
local PaddingY = 0
if FrameInstance:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIPadding") then
local UIPadding = FrameInstance:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIPadding")
PaddingX += UIPadding.PaddingLeft.Offset
PaddingX += UIPadding.PaddingRight.Offset
PaddingY += UIPadding.PaddingBottom.Offset
PaddingY += UIPadding.PaddingTop.Offset
if FrameInstance.AutomaticCanvasSize == Enum.AutomaticSize.Y then
FrameInstance.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,0,0,LayoutInstance.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + PaddingY)
elseif FrameInstance.AutomaticCanvasSize == Enum.AutomaticSize.X then
FrameInstance.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,LayoutInstance.AbsoluteContentSize.X + PaddingX,0,0)
elseif FrameInstance.AutomaticCanvasSize == Enum.AutomaticSize.XY then
FrameInstance.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,LayoutInstance.AbsoluteContentSize.X + PaddingX,0,LayoutInstance.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + PaddingY)
local v = script.Parent
local Layout = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIListLayout") or v:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIGridLayout")
local TextBox = script.Parent.TextBox
TextBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):connect(function() UpdateSize(v,Layout) end)
local LastCursorPosition = -1
if TextBox.CursorPosition >= 0 and TextBox.TextEditable == true and TextBox.TextFits == true then
LastCursorPosition = TextBox.CursorPosition
v.CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(0,TextBox.AbsoluteSize.Y + v.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y)
local LP = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if TextBox.TextFits == false then
local TextAdjustment = 1
TextBox.TextEditable = false
TextBox.Selectable = false
local OldText = TextBox.Text
local ReversedText = string.reverse(OldText)
if string.reverse(OldText):find(" ") == 1 then
--print("New line was going to be space")
OldText = string.reverse( ReversedText:sub(2, ReversedText:len() ) )
local Counter = 0
local NewCursorPos = LastCursorPosition
if OldText:sub(1, LastCursorPosition-2):find(" ") and Counter < 5 then
local PrecursorString = OldText:sub(1, LastCursorPosition)
local StringSplit = PrecursorString:split(" ")
local AssembledString = ""
for i = 1, #StringSplit do
if i == 1 then
AssembledString = StringSplit[i]
elseif i ~= #StringSplit then
AssembledString = AssembledString.. " " ..StringSplit[i]
AssembledString = AssembledString .. " \n" .. StringSplit[i]
TextBox.Text = AssembledString .. OldText:sub(LastCursorPosition, OldText:len())
NewCursorPos = AssembledString:len() + 1
local NewFormatString = OldText:sub(1,LastCursorPosition-(1 + TextAdjustment)) .. "\n"
NewCursorPos = NewFormatString:len() + 3
TextBox.Text = NewFormatString.. OldText:sub(LastCursorPosition-(TextAdjustment), OldText:len())
Counter += 1
until TextBox.TextFits == true or Counter > 100
TextBox.CursorPosition = NewCursorPos
TextBox.TextEditable = true
TextBox.Selectable = true
Click to view solution on other thread. (This one is a much better solution to OP's root issue.)
oh, wow. thank you, this would work since it’s not really the player typing in the text box but my type writing script so no need to worry of not being able to type in the middle (still does kind of work when i type in the middle). also it does work with fast typing and copy pasting. thank you, i really appreciate it!
oh wait, it bugs with the type writing script?
this happens
i used a textbox instead of a textlabel so i can add a placeholder text, it’s easier than making a script to type the “Enter a prompt…”
That’s because the workaround was intended for user input, not script input. I didn’t know you were going to use script input. Typically, TextBoxes are reserved for the user while TextLabels are used by scripts. This is going to need a different approach to workaround these issues.