How would I apply shirts for a custom character?

  • What do I want to achieve?
    I want to make it so Roblox Shirts and Roblox Pants can work with a custom character
  • What is the issue?
    The issue is that my custom animation library is made with Custom Characters.
    There is nothing really special about it but here are the MAIN changes:

LeftUpperArm > LeftArm
LeftLowerArm > LeftForearm (Same applies to Right arm and legs)
UpperTorso > Torso
LowerTorso > Hips

Use this model or this code to convert a normal character into my Custom Character:

local ToBeRigged = game.Workspace.SrTut13

ToBeRigged.RightUpperArm.Name = "RightArm"
ToBeRigged.RightLowerArm.Name = "RightForearm"

ToBeRigged.RightUpperLeg.Name = "RightLeg"
ToBeRigged.RightLowerLeg.Name = "RightForeleg"

ToBeRigged.LeftUpperArm.Name = "LeftArm"
ToBeRigged.LeftLowerArm.Name = "LeftForearm"

ToBeRigged.LeftUpperLeg.Name = "LeftLeg"
ToBeRigged.LeftLowerLeg.Name = "LeftForeleg"

ToBeRigged.PrimaryPart = ToBeRigged.UpperTorso
ToBeRigged.LowerTorso.Name = "Hips"
ToBeRigged.UpperTorso.Name = "Torso"

Check out this useful post.

Sadly, I can’t seem to get it working, Roblox does not detect the Texture Mapping