How would I cast a ray to where my mouse hit

I am making a gun and I want to cast a ray to detect if the player should be damaged or not.

I know how to create a ray but I don’t know how to make it go to the position that is clicked

This is what I have

local BulletRay =, mouse.Hit.lookVector * 100)
	local Hit, Position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(BulletRay, IgnoreList)

Try using Mouse.Target instead. You can read about this here Mouse.Target.


You can use CFrame.p which is basically like a translator that converts CFrame to Vector3.

local BulletRay =, mouse.Hit.p * 100)

This also works when you shoot in the air, unlike Mouse.Target.


Ray has a Unit property. If you end up having to use such property, its direction property is the exact same as the normal one. (ray.Unit.Direction = ray.Direction)

:ViewportPointToRay() does not accurately go where the mouse is. Better to use :ScreenpointToRay().

Mouse is superceded by UserInputService so while Mouse.Hit works, you will be at a disadvantage when wanting to implement things that UserInputService or ContextActionService have.

But it’ll take longer than just Mouse.Hit of course so you could use a module that acts similar but it’s not that complicated.

You get X, Y coordinate values which represent a 2D point on the screen (since your screen is just a flat 2D plane of space you’re looking through) then you can use :ViewportPointToRay() or :ScreenPointToRay() that accepts the X, Y parameters into it plus an optional depth parameter.

However, I believe depth moves the origin forward which we don’t want to have.

Though, the direction property gives a directional vector that is one stud long so we can multiply it to increase the distance/range. (500 is used here)

The RayParams is officially newer raycasting API so you might want to use it instead of the FindPartOnRay functions. You can also use the new :Raycast() function. The Ray object is still useful if you want to use its origin & direction.

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local params =
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {} -- anything you want, for example the player's character, the ray filters through these
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude -- choose exclude or include
local function rayResult(x, y)
    local unitRay = camera:ScreenPointToRay(x, y) -- :ViewportPointToRay() is another choice
    return workspace:Raycast(unitRay.Origin, unitRay.Direction * 500, params) -- 500 is how far to raycast

-- rayResult will be a RaycastResult, link to API page below

Learn more here:

To get x and y values for the function, use the function UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() for a Vector2 of the mouse position. However, this is only for mouse users.

For non-mouse users, get the position of an InputObject or a Vector2 argument from a ContextActionService binded function or UserInputService event connected function. (some mobile events receive a Vector2 argument instead of input object)

Example Scripts with above code

Example (mouse):

local mousePos = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
rayResult(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y)

Example (mouse & mobile supported):

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed) -- not exactly a click, but like the end of a mouse press or tap
    if not gameProcessed then
        local inputType = input.UserInputType
        if inputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch or inputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
            rayResult(input.Position.X, input.Position.Y)

EDIT: Shortened answer for brevity. I actually googled my own answer once when I forgot how to do this stuff so I’m happy to see the many likes.

local params =

Why is RayParams nil??

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i mean my bad not nil but it says unknown global

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I made a mistake, change RayParams to RaycastParams.


For the direction I would recommend doing Mouse.UnitRay.Direction * 10000


Thank you for this. I have always had issues with this. Your reply helped me solve a problem I’ve had for some time now. :slight_smile:

very detailed explanation thx nice helped me alot