How would i check if intvalue has reached its limit or number?

I forgot, localscripts won’t work in workspace

Now try this again:

Also, I had to put it in one script as you couldn’t reward a badge to someone within a local script.

@weakroblox35 Again, I updated the code, if you haven’t already use that one as the other one would just not work well altogether.

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Alright, thank you, your script even worked with others parts too! thanks again.

Pardon me for another reply, but as I was just getting to sleep I realised that it wouldn’t have worked without another edit. (really sorry) forgive me! :sweat_smile:

Wait since you can edits part on localscripts, is it possible to move them too?

You can move them, but only for one client.

Do i have to use moveto or char.primarypart.cframe?

I’m not really experienced in the topic of moving parts yet, so honestly I couldn’t tell you. Maybe you could open another topic on it. Let’s close this topic for now.