How would i create a grid placement system?

Not sure where to look but trying to figure out a grid placement system if theres any tutorials or someone can help id appreciate it.

Well heres a start, for the outline you can use a “Texture” on a part, heres a decal you can use for the texture grid - Roblox

There is an already tutorial about it here.
If you would like to here what would I do for it here it is :wink:
First create 3 Plots (Ground) and after that group it into a Model named “Plot” after that you would have an String Value and BoolValue, The string value name would be “PlayerOwns” & the BoolValue name would be “Owned” And don’t forget to add a Part to teleport player (CanCollide false and anchored to true)

After you’ve done that make a Folder named Plots then loop through every plot in the game check if the Owned value is false if it is then give it to the Player and make the Owned Value true and teleport the Player to the plot Teleport part and then add a Part in ServerStorage called “Wood” Check if the Player mouse is touching the grid system part if it is then fire a remote event with the Position and place it

Hopefully, this helps you.

this points in the right direction, although trying to make the parts snap to a 1 stud grid, and have it able to get parts surrounding / touching