How would I create bullet tracers?

Currently on my gun system I’m using raycasts to handle shooting, but my guns don’t yet have tracers. I’d like to add them to spice things up a little bit, but I’m not sure how to.

The way I’ve currently thought about is using tweenService to tween the tracers out of the muzzle. Other than that I’ve got no clue. :frowning:

Edit 1: I just learned about fastcast, if someone could teach me how to use and implement it into my game that’d be cool

I don’t recommend using fastcast. The way I do it is creating a part with a trail effect and then tweening it to the position of the where the bullet is supposed to hit.

Why don’t you recommend using fast-cast?

I’ve just had bad experience with it, thats all. You can use it if you’d like but I suggest tweening a tracer part to the position of the bullet impact.

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Fastcast has great hit detection but the visuals and tracers kinda look clunky.

I think Tower Defense Simulator does this, but what I would do is make an unmoving trail that has a bigger end towards the end of the bullet, and with tweenservice you can shrink the bullet to make it look like a moving trail even though it’s not.

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you can try visualizing it using a part and using the raycast of your bullet to get the position

I could’ve misunderstood the title as “Visualizing Bullet’s Path”