How would i create FPS Arms?

Yes, i already know that, the issue is that even tho they are this way, they are still flinging me

It’s a property of humanoids. You just have to turn it on while the FPS arms are in the game, or else the CanCollide property of everything inside the FPS arms automatically gets set to true, which flings you across the map. It’s super dumb how that works and I’m not a fan of the feature

Yeah, that’s odd they set it up that way.

You have PlatformStand on? Load into your game, check the FPS arms’s humanoid and the PlatformStand property. Make sure the PlatformStand property is on and the CanCollide property of everything inside the FPS arms is set to false

For some reason, it could change the properties when you join the game, so checking the properties before you join the game won’t work. You have to check while you’re already loaded into the game

Here is the mp4 btw

Checked, made sure to do what you said, still flinging

This is the exact same issue I had, I noticed it would fling you a lot more often when looking downwards

If your platform stand property is not turned on, I can guarantee that is your only issue. It’s just messing with the CanCollide property of everything inside your FPS arms

Made Sure to check again, everything is still CanCollide false, PlatformStand set to true, appears to work.

My Other Question was Player Arms.

PlatformStand needs to be set to true. It’s automatically set to false by default, even if you set it to true before loading into the game

I fixed my spelling error, i know

Also here is a post about aiming down sights. The person who wrote this post linked another post, but they’re both good sources

This i have already did with FPS Arms, i was wondering how can i do it with Player Arms

Could you just put a player rig into studio, then animate that rig aiming down sights on the gun?

You can, the only issue is that it looks horrible and very fast, and even when i tried to make it slower, the animation would either end or would just constantly repeat the movement

This post is not necessary as the answer was already found

If it’s ending too soon, that’s probably something related to how you scripted it, but for repeating the same movement you could probably fix that by using Humanoid.Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() (that might not be the actual name of the function, but it’s probably something similar)

local SightAnimationTrack = (stuff here)

    if not table.find(Humanoid.Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks(), SightAnimationTrack) then

Basically what this is doing is looking at the table of animation tracks which are currently playing, and seeing if it finds the aim down sights animation there
or, you could just use the IsPlaying property, unless you have multiple different animation track variables defined

Already did that, didnt work. PlatformStand appears to work more

ok, well good luck on your game, and hope it all works out for you

That issue @9100ryan solved, i didnt need to change the Massless property, rn im talking about Player Arms as it is my second question

The only issue i have with this is where to put it.

It should be before you’re about to play the animation track

Basically what it is doing is before playing the animation track, it’s looking to see if the animation track is already playing on your character.

If it’s not already playing on your character, then we want to play the animation. If it is already playing on your character, the script won’t do anything