Solved: Chat RichText

I was thinking about making this but, how would I make it so the Server’s color is yellow while their actual name is green. E.g:
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game:SetCore(“ChatMakeSystemMessage”, text,color,font,size)

Wrap this in a player added event if you want it to display when a player joins

I’m not 100% sure how to make the name a different colour but i’m sure there is a ton of other people asking and the answer should be easy to find


Alrighty, I can help with this!

First, go to StarterPlayerScripts and create a local script (or paste this in an already existing one)

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer
local starterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

local colorgetter = Color3.fromRGB(255, 239, 180)

local text1 = [[<font color="rgb(35, 244, 255)">[Server]:</font> <font color="rgb(255, 239, 180)">]]..player.Name..[[</font> has joined the game! Yippie!]]


game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {Text = text1, Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 92, 149), Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold} )

Now, if you run the code you get a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

If it runs, it’s still good news! Using “[]” instead of quotes for the message string is only rule one. Rule two is you need the RichText property enabled on your chat. Thankfully, Roblox makes it super easy for us. There’s a great tutorial by someone already, it’s this.

Now, once RichText is enabled, run it one more time.
it should be something like this

Don’t use this as a join script! I’m pretty sure the code might rerun if you reset your character. Set a remote event on the “startergui:SetCore”, and in a server script fire all clients when a player joins. (I assume you know how to do that + assign a player parameter so it doesnt just send your name a bunch of times)

If you want to modify the text, it may look very very difficult. However, another very simple tutorial by Roblox here!

I hope I helped! If there’s anything important I missed, I’m happy to listen!

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