How would I do this

How would you be able to lock the player without anchoring a player’s part that allows them not to turn in 1st person or shift lock?

I don’t know if lookat() would do this or not.

Can somebody please help?


What are you asking here? Could you reword it because it doesn’t make too much sense.

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i was think that i want the player to face a direction and not be able to change it

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so shift lock and 1st person dont change anything

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You could possibly do this:

while wait() do
        local Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
        local Head = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Head")

        Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
        Camera.CFrame = Head.CFrame

You can use this property of the character’s humanoid:

When set to false the character can’t spin from shift lock, walking, or going into first person.

this sets them in first person I want them to change camera view just not turn the character

This works but the issue is now i need the player to face a direction

you’re trying to be in first person, but not able to move around?

no i want the camera in 3rd person

and you don’t want the player to be able to move their camera?

are you trying to lock the camera in third person?

yes to explain it a bed where you see yourself in bed and you fall asleep

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yes and no i want them to switch this but i already got the answer all i need now is a script where it points the player at a part

so make the player face a certain part?

yes because else the player is facing the wrong direction

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ah I see, you could use a part as a camera for example a cutscene

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This should give you what need: How do I make a player face a certain part? - #4 by ChipioIndustries

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i will try this! :slight_smile:

it works thanks! :slight_smile:

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