How would I get a player's cpu usage?

How would I go about getting a player’s cpu usage?

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There is no way of accessing a player’s CPU usage using Roblox. However I don’t see the benefit of using it anyway.

I would recommend using FPS instead, which is very easy to implement:


I hope I could help. Let me know if this has you covered.

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There is no direct or precise way to get a player’s CPU usage. My random guess is that you are trying to spread out a CPU-intensive algorithm across frames (otherwise, there is no much other use of knowing the CPU usage). The easiest way to achieve this is to call Heartbeat:Wait() after a certain amount of time passed.

As an example, in case you want your framerate to stay around 30FPS, you would add this to a loop.

local eventHeartbeat = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat

local timeLast = os.clock()
while true do
    --your code
    if os.clock()-timeLast>(1/30-1/120) then
		timeLast = os.clock()

However, you can get the total memory usage of your game with the :GetTotalMemoryUsageMb() method of Stats service. Memory usage is often linked to the CPU usage, so you can use it as an unreliable indicator.

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