How would I get a players time zone like EST

I want to get the players time zone to know when a player chats in my chat system. I am using text labels so it should be simple. I cant seem to find any posts on this so anything helps. I know how to get the time so just need their time zone like EST or PST. Thanks for coming by!


Well, there is a library called “os”, you can use it for that kind of stuff, you can just do something like “%a %b %d, %H:%M”) --output: Wed Mar 16, 09:33
i hope it helps you!
you can find more info here link

Hi, this is the code @ramirez_cod3 was talking about:


I would like to add that this code should be used on the client for it to work (prevent confusion).

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Am I able to abbreviate it? To just the 3 letters?

If you look at the docs here, you can see that you can get the player’s local time using a LocalScript. You can then compare that local time with the UTC/GMT time, and then calculate the time differences (timezone) that way.

It sure is! I will get some code prepared for you now.

Well yes but I dont want the time, just the zone the player in to show to others what time zone they are.

This will make the abbreviation:

local abbreviation = ''

for i, v in pairs(tostring("%Z")):split(' ')) do
	abbreviation = abbreviation.. v:sub(1,1)


Made a whoopsie in my code… this is now compatible with UTC.

local abbreviation = ''

if #tostring("%Z")) ~= 3 then
	for i, v in pairs(tostring("%Z")):split(' ')) do
		abbreviation = abbreviation.. v:sub(1,1)
	abbreviation ="%Z")

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