How would I get players from different servers? I know it might be possible but how? Would I have to use MessagingService to achieve this? There are no other topics related to this or a solution.
For example, I want to get players in different servers and then print player’s names in those servers.
Any help is appreciated.
February 5, 2023, 10:55pm
These two threads might be of use to you, but yes, looks like MessagingService may be a good option.
What would be the best way to find a player that’s playing in a different server of the current game?
I was thinking MessagingService, but I feel like it’s a bit unstable.
I need this for a cross-server kick system I’m working on.
How to Get a player from another server
Don’t know where to start or how to do it
I’m wondering how to get This done. I’ve been wondering about it for a while and i would gladly take suggestions on how to complete this task.
Useful resources:
Cross-Server Messaging | Roblox Creator Documentation
Can you give me some example code? I am not too similar MessagingService since I just found it recently.
Also, would it be possible to create a system where it sees players real time position in different servers?