How Would I Get The Players Role On The Devforum

Hello, I am making a game where you have to be a member on the dev forums but I cant seem to figure this out. There is a post like this but its not what I’m looking for Checking if a user is in the devforum . I want to get only the 3 types. Not A Member, Member, and the other member thing/Contributor, but the one I found does not work so I’m hoping there’s another solution thanks.

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Well you can make a http request like this and get the informations (change Med367367 with the current username). Watch this post


This is practically the post I have linked in my post but again it isent working like I want it to.

I have token that post and just edited the names I guess I had to just do that so good for now

This post is outdated though and contains information about roles that doesn’t exist anymore.

We have Visitor, Member and Regular currently.

I should also mention the script that person linked is incorrect (the GetService for HTTPRequests looks to be the only thing incorrect).