How would I get the tabe of players from a script to another script?

Just do this:


    --// etc.

huh, so how do I get my server script to the client. Im doing this for a spectate system which only spectates players in a round.

Then use a RemoteFunction instead.

Remote and Functions that are bindable are used for stuff that happen in game / live events it even says that on that it is used for live events

There are multiple options to send data back through scripts such as _G, shared, a value, module, etc.

Could you show an example. Thats the part Im stuck on.

Yes, But I CANNOT do _G since im doing it with a server and local sides.

_G is not recomended I tried this right here:

_G.Test = "Hello"

--other serverscript

It did nothing :frowning: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Here’s an example of using a RemoteFunction, but there are multiple methods to do this such as a ModuleScript inside ReplicatedStorage.

local listOfPlayers = {

local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.GetPlayers

remote.OnServerInvoke = function()
    return listOfPlayers
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.GetPlayers
local players = remote:InvokeServer()

print(players) --[[ ->

I have used _G multiple times and it worked although I mostly use a ModuleScript for simple data such as tables with some strings.

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im pretty sure _G isnt that safe, i’ve heard that somehwere

So I took your example and edited it and it gave me an error

OnServiceInvoke isnt correct, its OnServerEvent

gave me another error:

Wait, if your running that script on the client, then its OnClientEvent.

No, I’m running that script on a server but Im trying to send the table to the local script.

Oh, your not trying to recive events then, change it to FireClient

Same issue

Wait, are you using .FireClient? If you are use :FireClient