How would I go about making a First Person Shooter map?

Hi everyone! I’m usually a programmer so I don’t have much experience with building.

  • What are you attempting to achieve? I want to make a map for my FPS game.
  • What is the issue? I’m not sure where to start, since I don’t build very often and I don’t make too many FPS games.
  • What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried just winging it but I don’t know where to start. Also my builds usually look pretty crappy :sweat_smile:



Can be actually quite anything, only thing is to place covers so that players can retreat if they get low

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What are you looking for? Do you want it open-world or do you want it more close combat CQB style?

Start by finding a reference game that matches your idea best. I.e phantom forces or arsenal or something. Notice what the devs pay more attention on, build the larger, more detailed things first and then go onto the more trivial things.

You need to know that in building, 99% of the time your build wont look good at all until it’s finished, so if you’re having issues with that, complete your build first.

I’d start with the main part of the map, where people will intersect most. Players don’t meet at the spawns do they? There’s a main area that needs creating, develop it with detail ensuring that it isnt one sided at all, then expand out from there. Ensure theres adequate cover, ranges etc etc and tweak your guns around this build i.e ranges.

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Is this a good layout?
Yellow is the enterable buildings, purple is the non enterable buildings, blue is the doorways and green is walls/ how tall the building will be.


How many people do you want to play in one server?

Give this topic a read.


10 or so, I would say. (I need more letters :frowning:)

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That map feels a little bit too congested and small for 10 players. Try expanding it a little bit - don’t expand it too much because then players will have an issue meeting.

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I tried it and this is what I got! What do you think, and what should I add? (Just so you know, the map is meant to look like it could’ve been made in the year 2014/2015)


You could definitely lessen the opportunities players have to shoot from across the map.

That is true, I’ll do that. Thanks!

How bout this one? I tried to make more cover other than the walls.

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It is a good layout in my opinion. I believe you could spread the enterable buildings out a little bit and make them less tall. Also, it depends how many people will be playing in that map; I would say that map can be sufficient for 7 or less players.


I still think it’s too open. Some larger rocks in the lava should work


Alright! I will do that too. Thanks!