How would I go about making an "Exploit Client Sensor"

Just focus on creating sanity checks on the server, never trusing the client on what they send through remote events.

You won’t be able to stop exploiting, just make it more difficult for them to tamper with your game. There are obviously other ways you could check for exploits but they are relatively scenario based and will depend on what you are making.

I’m not here to get “spoon-fed” any scripts I just need to know the detection part of it and I know what to do from there, I’ve also seen the source from DEX but the fact it’s getting updated often is annoying.

I’m also not concerned about skids (Script Kiddies) more so, the skilled exploiters making scripts to cheat in my game for the skids. Also DEXers that know how to decompile scripts, that’s my main concern.

I agree with this too, I get it’s impossible to stop exploiting so I will do the best I can to prevent them from cheating in the important parts of my game.

I’d say don’t try detect the gui itself but rather what it hooks

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what even makes you think DEX would hook anything

If you want to do something like detecting DEX, it’d basically be impossible now.
They don’t rely on CoreGUI anymore, and they removed features that were “detectable” and now they aren’t because someone rewrote DEX it, This is also called “Secure” DEX and it is probably undetectable, though I won’t go in-depth

if you seriously want to do something like an Anti-Cheat though you’d need to do Sanity Checks and NOT rely at all on the client or else the entire Anti-Cheat is bypassable (A section of it that relies on the Client would be bypassable)

Though if you want to make something like a Detection for DEX, it’s probably not worth it because it’s impossible to Hook onto a non-existing object or service, even if it was it’d probably be unreliable. There isn’t any way to hook onto the functions that hide the interface.

If you even did somehow hook onto the functions it’d be as easy as baking pie to bypass it, exploiters know how to bypass it.

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DEXers isn’t anyone but Skilled Scripters (that make Scripts for games for people to use)
I think your referring to a function that exploits can run to decompile scripts.

Also they can’t decompile Server Scripts just letting yk
Module Scripts & Local Scripts is the only scripts they can access

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Did you read any of the posts here before writing this paragraph filled with uncertainties? I said secure dex is easier to detect than dex and I said dex is detectable.

because their source code is open source alll you have to do is take a read through it

You need to actually know what you’re doing to detect it, just reading through some code isn’t gonna help that much.

Yeah and ik what I’m doing it’s really easy to detect any script

you cant detect dex lol, again its parented to coregui in most cases OR for exploits like synapse there is a specific function called protectgui or something along those lines. I cant say exactly what it does but i can tell you its literally near to impossible to detect it.

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Why are you saying that as if you know what you’re talking about. You do not know what you are saying, so stop trying to pretend like you do. You can detect dex.

Be quiet if you’ve got no clue of what you’re talking about, please. Dex has multiple detection vectors, if you wouldn’t have been a typical brainwashed devforum member you’d known better. Anyways the most simple way of detecting dex is by using PreloadAsync (Has been a method for ages now), There’s a lot more method though (no need to mention them).

Stop spreading false information.

I assume you’re refering to : syn.protect_gui(GUI), this is detectable too. Please be quiet since you’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.

hookfunctions is the easiest form of hook to detect. Usually it’s due to people running the hooks incorrectly and bad return values.

hookmetamethods is pretty easy to detect aswell (there’s actually a few different methods that i know of that detects them)

The new dex bypasses the coregui method but it can still be detected with ease

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My mistake I’ve gotten that wrong, thanks for informing me about it though.

please do tell me how to detect it then.