How would I go to make Neumorphism / Soft UI

Hello! I’ve seen some UI concepts like this: (Pictures all found on Google.)


So, is there any way I could make UI similar like this? If not possible with Roblox tools, what software should I use?


Its possible with roblox tools. I could send you some examples of how. But, to answer your question yea this can be made with roblox.

Sweet, can you send me some examples on how to make it? Thanks!


I noticed that the image you sent relies a lot on shadows,

To create a shade effect, simply create a copy of the button/bar, make it a bit offset under the original and make it transparent & black, you can use an ImageLabel and use a decal to make a proper shading effect. That should help to fit in the style.

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Sure, give a few minutes, this could take some time.

Yes, it certainly relies of dropshadows: However my problem is making this

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You can use the Roundify - Roblox plugin to make your sharp edges round.


Use what @hesilan said.

I could not give examples right now, sorry.

But he has some very good suggestions.

Ui corners, strokes, and gradients is what brings these to life. Try those.

These do drop shadows and those corners.

I found it from here and found it really useful. Information

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