How would I detect with a script if a ui object has been clipped due to their parent having clipdecendents set to true?
calculate minimum x maximum x minimumy maximumy of the frame with clips descending enabled for ChildAdded if they have position property constantly get signal changed for their Position, Compare with your Min Values. If its lower than the minimum of X/Y or higher than the maximum X/Y then this means it’s being clipped since its outside the bounds, for size its the exact same where your comparing its position to the frames minimums and maximums.
The following function returns True if provided GuiObject is outside it’s parents bounding box.
function isClipped(uiObject: GuiObject)
local parent = uiObject.Parent
local boundryTop = parent.AbsolutePosition
local boundryBot = boundryTop + parent.AbsoluteSize
local top = uiObject.AbsolutePosition
local bot = top + uiObject.AbsoluteSize
local function cmpVectors(a, b) -- Compare is a is above or to the left of b
return (a.X < b.X) or (a.Y < b.Y)
return cmpVectors(top, boundryTop) or cmpVectors(boundryBot, bot)