How would I make a camera with programmable positions, and smooth tweens?

The title explains itsself.
Recently, My camera script stopped working with unknown reasons.
So, I need a basic camera that can

  • Go to positions
  • Only works on 1 menu. Otherwise, it’s disabled.
  • Smooth tweeting positions
  • Set the time it stops.
    Thanks for any help!
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What’s the question?
At the moment it seems like you are asking the community to write you a camera script.

Assuming that you are asking the logic behind it, it’s fairly simple (and you have mostly answered your own question as to how to move the camera and everything). Look at the documentation and lmk if you have any issues.

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Ok, you just made it sound way worse that I intended.
This is my broken script.
The value in the end of it is defining the CFrames.

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Perhaps you’d be interested in something like this:


I suggest completely rewriting this as the logic is terribly written. It’s extremely messy as well. Why not just have the localscript in starterGui in the first place?
Overall I recommend writing it over again and making it a module.