How would I make a Change Character Gui/Morph?

I have a gui already but how would I make it so where I have multiple button and each button you click will change you to a different morph while still having all the regular animations I had when I first joined the game? Ive tried EVERYTHING and sadly, nothing is working. Pls help.

In ServerScriptService:


In Replicated Storage:


In First Button to switch character:

In Second Button to switch to a different character:


This section is not for requests. Heres support, you would use remote events and use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame to each body part and weld everything to the body part.

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Oh sorry. And thank you for the help

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ok so I figured it out but now when I switch, i don’t have the normal animations.

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It’s quite hard for us to determine the issue when we can’t see what’s going wrong. If you post your code, we’ll be able to help you fix it :wink:


Fixed that. You should now see them.

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Do you see an issue with the script?

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I haven’t swapped body parts or character models like you’re doing before so I can’t say if you’re doing it wrong.

However, I think you could use the recently released API for this instead, HumanoidDescriptions.


Yo thank you so much

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