How would I make a Custom Server/Lobby Creation system

I will give you credit for that, so that way people could know that you’re the one who created it!

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Hello there,
I came across this post so I decided to check it out. I was inspecting the place a bit and I stumbled across this script named “AntiLag” I was wondering what reason you put that into the place.
If you take a look at the account of the person who made the script, you’ll see their account results in a 404 page which probably means they’re perm banned.
@Zoner013 for your own safety you might consider checking scripts fist before running them into your place.

That’s a script Roblox puts in it’s in every single game for some reason, whatever you do, you can’t get rid of it. I haven’t put that script in any way, it installs it self in to the game, after the first run and if you try deleting it, it comes back every time you re-run.

Are you sure about that? I’ve never seen Roblox adding that script into my experience.

It’s in every game I own and I haven’t done anything every time I try removing it, it comes back on its own after clicking play or run. I can go on any device with any account and it will still appear under the camera script.

That’s odd, I suggest you to look into it or just contact someone that could help you with this…

It’s not a virus, it’s in every game. Just create a place, play it once and boom it appears, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled studio and nothing, so no it’s nothing.

I have to admit I feel betrayed. The script you used that somehow appears in your games according to you is a virus. There even is a post about this. Script called Anti-Lag You can clearly see it’s the exact same code so this means you’re indeed lying.

@DiscMil Wait, what if he had a plugin installed in his studio that would automatically insert the Anti-Lag script inside every single game that he creates, maybe that’s the case, and if you are going to ask me to create a baseplate and check if I get that script, well I did create a baseplate and I checked inside Workspace and ServerScriptService but it doesn’t look like that there is a script called Anti-Lag) and the way that I discovered this is that a long time ago, I installed a skydive plugin and once I installed it, it started to insert the skydive related stuff into every single game that I create until when I tried to uninstall the plugin it stopped inserting the skydive related stuff.

No. It is a plugin doing that get rid of some plugins the “Anti-lag” is probably a virus


@DiscMil @Zoner013 It was in fact a DataStore Editor Plugin that caused it. It shouldn’t happen anymore.

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Well than I suggest both of you to be very careful with plugins. I recommend you both to use verified plugins (Plugins that are known to be safe). @Zoner013 @aren1toross
Stay safe! Have a nice day.

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It is a virus, I traced the require id to a module,

And this is what came up:

Image of the script it requires:

This is a virus and definitely not a thing roblox would add.

@DiscMil @Cullis_wullisAlt
I created an updated version and removed the files, sorry if it caused any trouble.

That’s alright. No problems caused thanks!

I’m making a game now and found this post and decided to check if there are viruses there. I downloaded at my own risk (went to the main game I’m working on) and nothing happened. I also made a new game and nothing happened. I do not know if Aren lying but its seems strange.

I used the system he made earlier and it worked fine.

You should check your plugins since it doesn’t do that to my games, maybe you got a bad plugin.

Can you possibly uncopylock it?

that looks like a script executor
check the user ids and stuff in there, blacklist all of the ids so u be safe ig