How would I make a decal appear on the screen when a player clicks?

Wait is underlined because in Wait, the w is not capital letter. it’s small letter.


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remember the studio is case sensitive so de capitalize wait (is that even a word lol) and define some variables.

This sets it in StarterGui, every other player will see it but the player who clicks will not see it. It is better to don’t give scripts if you don’t know what it does.

Now from the topic, You can make a GUI from the PlayerGui visible, and then set any text you want.

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also u should store ur tool into StarterPack(if u want to use it streight away) or ServerStorage(if u do that, then u need much more scripting later)

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Sorry, i dont really understand what you said

So what am I supposed to do now? I am so confused lol.
This is what my tool and gui looks like:
Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 12.03.15

And this is what my script looks like:

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 12.03.39

After you defined it you didnt drop down a line. Make sure to do that or the script wont function properly

Also, if the local script is a child of the tool, just define it like this:

local tool = script.Parent 
-- the Gui script here
local tool = script.Parent
    game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.ImageLabel.Visible = true
    game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.ImageLabel.Visible = false

maybe like that?

It didn’t work. Something is stopping the image from showing.

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Are there any issues in the output you could show us?

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So basically i think you are saying that when you hold a certain tool and click, an image label would be visible.

You could do:

local db = true -- adding a denounce to prevent spam
tool = script.Parent -- making a variable for the tool.
if db == true then -- checking if you can click again
db = false -- making it so you can't click anymore
      game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ImageLabel.Visible  = true -- making it visible (I am getting it from the localplayer)
game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ImageLabel.Visible = false -- making it invisible
db = true -- after one second you would then be able to click again

66 posts were split to a new topic: How would I make a decal appear (discussion)

That works. Thank you to everybody who replied to me. I really appreciate you guys taking your time out to help!

Yes, but like @Syst3ch said, that’d be spoonfeeding. If I was you I would learn LUA yourself so you can make it. I’ll leave resources for you to use to make it. If you have any errors, let me know and I’ll be happy to help :smiley:

The easiest way to do is would be, Whenever you equip a tool, and click your mouse button, it makes an ImageLabel visibile.

Souces that should get you started:
Equipped Event
Left mouse button clicking
Making the Decal visible

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