How would I make a discord bot that logs my Completed Trades?

So this isn’t lua related but I’m curious to see if anyone can help me with this. I googled it and got nothing but trade bots, I just need to create a discord bot that logs my trades. Any help with this? I have 0 experience with C# or java or whatever discord bots are created in.


You will need HTTPS Service for this. Here is a tutorial I found that may help: Discord Integration: A guide on using Discord through Roblox [UPDATED]

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All you did was just send the same link I sent

What kind of trades do you want to log? Inbound, Outbound, Completed, or Inactive?

1 Like!/Trades/get_v1_trades_tradeStatusType!/Trades/get_v1_trades_tradeId

You need authentication (cookie), then make an http request to look up whichever category of trades you need. You would also probably need something to keep refreshing the trades (if you want to keep track of trades live). I suggest you at least learn the basics of whatever language you want to write this in… There are a lot of resources online for creating bots in many different languages

i dont think its a good idea since logging something in discord can get you banned as far as i know

Yes but no, you can get banned for sending to many requests to discord (take join logs as an example)

but isnt trade logs too much?
what if your game was popular and had too many trades happening?

Exactly what I was thinking of.

You would send requests to periodically and compare the data to the last stored version. If there is a difference, then that means you have a new trade coming.

Next, you would send a request to{id} where the ID is the new trade’s ID and you will obtain the trade information.

After that, you can send an embed from your bot stating the RAP, Value (getting it from trading websites like Rolimons’ APIs, optional though), and who sent the trade.

There you have it, a relatively complicated process to get your new trades.

I’m pretty sure the OP was talking about his actual Roblox trades, not his game’s trades.

oh i guess i misunderstood about it lol anyways sorry

Completed trades are what I’m trying to log

What would you want in return of a bot that logs my completed trade into a discord webhook?

Sorry for the extremely late reply, but what do you mean by this?

I recently made a bot that does just this, lmk if you want help