How would I make a gui that says how many likes does the game have?

So, the title explains it, How would I make a gui that says how many likes does the game have.
I’ve never used APIS So I don’t know how would I do it, I’ve tried every way possible but couldn’t.

NOTE: I’ve looked everywhere on the forum and the ones I found don’t work.
Please help asap

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Any help asap is appreciated :slight_smile: .


haven’t you searched before posting this?

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I have seen that, This doesn’t really help at all Since I have never used it.
There isn’t really any YT Tutorials or devforum tutorial on that API.

Could you do it and explain it to me?

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I’ve done a bit of research but I don’t think there is a way to get the number of likes on your roblox game just through roblox scripts. You would require APIs etc. for it.

If you need help with using external APIs, you can search #resources for the API.

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Then how do Big games use it like Big Paintball.

Read this it will help you.

They use an API. You can’t accomplish this solely by 1 script. As @ayoub50 said, you should look at the solutions for the same question.

You can also have a look here it doesn’t provide a full code put gives you a link which you can get data from using HttpService

Yeah, but the problem is I don’t know how to use HTTP Service.

Use HttpService:GetAsunc() or something like that with the url you got, it will return the data you wanted, in the web i told you about it says the format returned is a table so you will get a table, get the values for it

Sorry for the late reply but could you give me a script example?

I haven’t used HttpService in so long but it should be something like this

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "" --whatever you got 
local data = httpService:GetAsync(url) --returns a table

Bear with me as I’ve never used it

So like this?

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "!/Votes/get_v1_games_votes"
local data = httpService:GetAsync(url) --returns a table

Mhm indeed, i said i haven’t used it in so long, ill be able to help if there is somehow any errors…

Oh, one last question How would I get from it the likes and stuff?

First use HttpService:JSONDecode() so its a normal table / value and print it to see what it prints and tell me

I’ve tried printing the data But for some reason I can’t access the roblox resecures?
That’s the error.

HttpService is not allowed to access ROBLOX resources


local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "!/Votes/get_v1_games_votes"
local data = httpService:GetAsync(url)


Right the roblox security :person_facepalming:, change to

Now it’s giving me error from the data line (Variable)

HttpError: DnsResolve


local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "!/Votes/get_v1_games_votes"
local data = httpService:GetAsync(url)
