How would I make a gui that says how many likes does the game have?

If what i send didn’t work, I’ll just make it myself using python and make my own web proxy, tell me if i should

I guess you should I’m getting this error

 HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local url = " = 3830638181"
local data = httpService:GetAsync(url)

local upVotes = data.upVotes
local downVotes = data.downVotes


Alright then, when I wake up, I’all make a proxy server for you to use and make a code for it! Imma go sleep now, goodnight

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goodnight, Thanks for the help so far.

Your welcome! Hopefully this problem will end after I wake up!

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because you have space on “=”

local httpService = game:GetService('HttpService')
local placeId = 0000000000 --change this to placeId you want to get of the votes
local universeId = ""..placeId -- gets universeId

local success, result = pcall(function() -- we put in pcall if somehow failed to get
	return httpService:GetAsync(universeId)

if success then
	if result then
		local decode = httpService:JSONDecode(result) -- decode to lua
		local gameVotes = "" -- format the string
		local success2, result2 = pcall(function()
			return httpService:GetAsync(gameVotes:format(decode['UniverseId']))
		if success2 then
			if result2 then
				local decode2 = httpService:JSONDecode(result2)
			warn(result2) -- warn if it gets failed

I’m getting this error now

HTTP 400 (Bad Request)

are you sure the place id is correct?

It worked, Thanks for your help also Thanks @msix29 for helping.
Also @cristinaceline1 I have a question? How do I update it once it changes? because I don’t wanna keep looping.

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You can’t really detect when it changes, but you can just make another http request every few minutes or so (60+ seconds recommended).

What would happen If I make it every second?

You’ll likely get an error like HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests).

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Oh, Okay thanks for the help!