I’ll try that and see if it works.
if anything works also let me know cuz I am also searching up for a code with the id
This does not work. The script I used to give the “Met the Owner” badge worked. But this code you posted does not.
Did it throw an error? And how did you test it?
Shouldn’t it be for i,v in (code stuff)
and not for _,v in (code stuff)
Ah ok then. Maybe just check over the code a bit since in studio it isn’t showing errors.
Edit: I’m not the best at scripting, but the code looks fine to me.
I have just tested, and the script seems to work perfectly fine for me in the latest version of ROBLOX Studio, Could you please show me how you edited it? (as in replaced badgeid variable etc)
By the way, since you tested it in Studio, I must say that the code doesn’t give the badge to the dev.
I didn’t test it in studio. I published changes and joined the game. I then ran it in studio to see if the Output was finding any errors which it didn’t.
But, Could you please show me your edited (replaced badgeid / developers ids etc) version of the script i supplied? As it worked as intended when I tested it myself.
Ok then. Here:
local Players = game.Players --[[I first tested with your original code for this which didn't work so I tested with this which changed nothing]]--
local BadgeService = game.BadgeService --[[I first tested with your original code for this which didn't work so I tested with this which changed nothing]]--
local developerIds = {656329197,1707032575}; -- insert user ids here
local badgeId = 2128014463; -- badge id here
if table.find(developerIds,plr.UserId) then
for _,v in ipairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
if v ~= plr and not BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(v.UserId, badgeId) then
And to show that I got the Ids correct, heres links for everything:
Badge, Me, My co-dev.
The links should take you to a badge called “Met a Dev”, My profile and the profile of a user with the display name of “Phobophobia”
Assuming you have only joined the game with only your dev:
You have added yourself to the developer list and the script also doesn’t give you the badge if you are the dev.
Edit: I have made a mistake and told you you already own the badge which you do not.
Wait what. When I go to the game’s page, it says that 0 people have it.
Edit:You were looking at the wrong badge. I have “Met the Owner!” but not “Met a Dev” which is what the code I wanted was supposed to give me.
This whole time. Well then looks like I need my co-dev online to test.
By the way, I have already stated this in post #20
I must say that the code doesn’t give the badge to the dev.
Oh oops. Well then guess this can end now.
Right then. Since you asked, here it is. Post 11 has the code (Also the code will not give the badge to the developers.)
Additionally, If (for some weird reason) you want to also award the badge to devs, in the line
if v ~= plr and not BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(v.UserId, badgeId) then
Remove the “v~= plr and” part
if not BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(v.UserId, badgeId) then
Ok thanks. hehehehehehe I need to reach char limit please help
For whatever reason, the script stopped working recently (Probably not because of that change).