How would I make an AI system that the higher a value the quicker it teleports to positions?

I have a YT channel of my coding skills btw, my yt channel name is the same as my devforum name, my newer videos are better because it’s recent and is when my coding has been the best

Heres a video of mine :

Well each time an hour passes, you’d just multiply SPEED by LEVEL.

Could you please send your script?

Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect, btw?

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5 is the minimun number of the clamp function, it means the animatronic will atleast wait 5 seconds prior to getting up, and the 15 means that it will at most take 10 meanwhile x is math.random(5,15)*(20-level)
math.random(5,15) just gets a number between these two to add a bit of randomness, the clamp should be a lot broader for it to work with low difficulties but i was just testing so i went 5,10
Then it multiplies it by 20 minus the difficulty level which at difficulty 20 just means that x=0, so it will fall back to clamp bringing it back up to 5 because x can’t be lower than 5

let’s say the random is instead a constant 10, at difficulty 16 it is 40 seconds before he starts, at difficulty 10 it’s 100 seconds, for reference the average night duration of a FNAF style game is 660 seconds